This June, Julie Jones and I had an eye-opening networking call with an incredible Human Design expert.

What began as a simple connection request turned into a game-changing experience!
She generously gave us both personalized readings and guided us on the best way to collaborate effectively. Talk about a gift!
For those familiar with Human Design, I’m a 2/4 Emotional Manifesting Generator, and Julie is a 2/4 Emotional Projector.
Knowing our Human Design types completely shifted our business dynamic. This has been HUGE for our business, which is what we want to offer other women in business as well.
Both Julie and I have spent hours upon hours helping people understand their strengths (Gallup Strengthsfinder) but this is just a whole other level to that work!
So, what’s my biggest takeaway from how I am designed? It’s all about flow and ease. If something doesn’t come naturally or drains my energy, I’ve learned to let it go. No more pushing myself to tick off endless to-do lists.
I used to tackle problems head-on, but now I’ve embraced a new mantra: “I hope this works out.” It’s a pivot from control to allowing things to unfold naturally. This is not an easy shift. I am practicing this every day.
One of the toughest lessons was making my body the driver and my mind the passenger. Mind-blowing, right?
This conversation also transformed how Julie and I approach our work with clients. We’re committed to inclusivity, catering to each person’s unique design, talents, and challenges.
We now know how important it is that we don’t prescribe solutions that don’t work for that person’s unique approach to life.

Together, we’re creating a space where everyone can thrive and you know that just makes us feel so good about being in our zone of genius.