
But What If I Can’t Change?

But What If I Can’t Change?

Yesterday I was chatting with a client who was telling me her fears of reverting to old habits when our coaching program ends. This is quite common and honestly, our entire program is built to help women break the habit of being themselves. Meaning that who they have...

Using Human Design In Our Business

Using Human Design In Our Business

This June, Julie Jones and I had an eye-opening networking call with an incredible Human Design expert. What began as a simple connection request turned into a game-changing experience! She generously gave us both personalized readings and guided us on the best way to...

Why You Actually Shouldn’t Do Anything

Why You Actually Shouldn’t Do Anything

This week Sandra and I were in a coaching session with an UNLEASH client who felt overwhelmed with having to do all the things. I told her to stop doing anything she was telling herself she “should do” or “needs to do”.
She looked at me like “Really?! How?! My house won’t clean itself?!” 

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