Confirmation Bias: The Silent Shaper Of Our Reality

Confirmation Bias: The Silent Shaper Of Our Reality

Have you ever felt stuck in a situation that seemed unfulfilling, with fears holding you back? We recently had a coaching call with one of our clients who was facing this challenge. As we delved into the beliefs supporting her fears, we stumbled into a discussion...
Most (well intentioned) advice drives me BANANAS

Most (well intentioned) advice drives me BANANAS

Blanket Advice, you know, those well-intentioned “must-do’s”. From health tips like “drink a glass of lemon water each morning” to business strategies like “Doing X marketing strategy is the best way to grow your business”. It’s as if we believe that there’s a...
Clearing Space

Clearing Space

This week I did a massive clearing. I got rid of clothes and furniture. I unfollowed about 600 Instagram accounts. I deleted screenshots and images on my phone that I no longer felt were serving me. I closed out an Etsy store I was running that I started from a place...
Why You Actually Shouldn’t Do Anything

Why You Actually Shouldn’t Do Anything

This week Sandra and I were in a coaching session with an UNLEASH client who felt overwhelmed with having to do all the things. I told her to stop doing anything she was telling herself she “should do” or “needs to do”. She looked at me like “Really?! How?! My house...