Letting Go Of Conditioning

Letting Go Of Conditioning

I am learning to do something entirely new to myself in the last 6 months, and that is how to use my Human Design especially in my role as a coach and entrepreneur. In my conditioned self, I have been running my energy off always going, doing, and making things...
Time To Reboot

Time To Reboot

I woke up this morning having slept in late, realizing that I needed a hard stop reboot. It’s been a squirrely week, lots of great interactions, busy-ness, and starts and stops. It is a sunny morning, and I am enjoying the blast of sun coming through the windows and...
“I’m the type of chick…”

“I’m the type of chick…”

If you are a struggling with motivation and you want to get all fired up about your life, listen to The Cathy Heller Podcast: A Podcast for Soulful Entrepreneurs. Julie Jones invited me to listen to her and I got activated from from a prompt she taught: “I am the kind...
It’s Never To Late To Start

It’s Never To Late To Start

My post today is inspired by Julie Jones, who gave me a positive call out on her stories, thanking me for demonstrating that it’s never too late to reinvent oneself or start over. I mean let’s face it, if you have been on the planet for awhile, no doubt you have...
A Midlife Unraveling

A Midlife Unraveling

This week, Julie and I are delving into a subject in our podcast that resonates with many of us as we journey through life: the Midlife Crisis, or as Brene Brown aptly puts it, “​The Midlife Unraveling​.” The Many Faces of Midlife Unraveling When we talk...
From Labor Doula to Life Coach Doula

From Labor Doula to Life Coach Doula

Years ago, I embarked on a beautiful journey as a doula, guiding incredible women who wanted to shape their birthing experience with intention. It was about being their champion, their advocate for their vision of motherhood. Witnessing the birth of new life was...