I woke up this morning having slept in late, realizing that I needed a hard stop reboot. It’s been a squirrely week, lots of great interactions, busy-ness, and starts and stops.
It is a sunny morning, and I am enjoying the blast of sun coming through the windows and inviting me into its beauty.
I feel in this weird place of bridging an older version of me and something new coming my way. I am feeling into a new place of how to be in the world and I am certainly not alone! Random people are showing up and I am feeling called to reach out to others I haven’t connected with in a while.
I signed myself up for a 2 day immersive speaking training in April. In the sales copy for this training, it says that people want to be transformed and inspired, which I would agree with.
(See Megan McCaleb to find out more).
I am excited to come back to training around public speaking and to revisit how to present from stage in ways that moves and activates women. I have spoken in front of others in and out of my life and am excited to deepen this aspect of my training. I truly am curious to see all that is going to come out of this. And I find that there is a little fright in there too.
I know we all come to earth with incredible talents, gifts and certain ways of being. Not all of us have situations that encourage us to actualize them. I feel blessed in this life to have created enough friction and challenges to learn and dig into what these potentials and gifts have been. It hasn’t been seamless, but I don’t think “easy” is particularly why we are here.
It can be hard to claim our gifts without fear of judgement or retribution. I am still working through issues around survival, money and self belief. And it isn’t a surprise that this is much of the work that I help others with. Through others, we see ourselves, right?
It’s been a long journey. This past year and already into 2024 has shown me that this process has built momentum and growth is happening, quite frankly, whether I am ready or not. It is here, and here I must be.
This is requiring me to be courageous. UGH, something that actually turns my stomach. But it is also super juicy and compelling and I cannot turn away from the challenge of growth.
The current process I am integrating, is knowing how to use the gift of creativity without having too many rules or regulations for how it can work. I want to take this to a new level of self mastery so I can create more impact, feel deeply satisfied and manifest material success. Busting down the scarcity thinking and learning how to convert my purpose into abundance is THE task at hand.
I have a lot of energy and information to give others. Fortunately I also have a community of soulful friendships and guides who help me manage this energy and they give me support and feedback.
Lately my message has been to sit with Source energy more, and allow myself to be filled before fire hosing it off to others. LOL. It’s hard for me to sit still with this inner drive to constantly be creating and sharing. When I am in this energy, I am also afraid that I am “being too much” for others and am not being mindful enough of my impact.
Doing life can be hard, but it can also be amazing.
My message this week is to just take it all in, be quiet and still and allow nourishment to come from Source. And to do this while in the midst of activity and feedback.
Writing is my muse, my expression and intricately connected to my creativity. I feel that my posts are almost always too long and I am not sure that they land with others. And maybe that doesn’t matter.
For now, this is where I am expressing myself.
I hope that that if you read my posts, they move you in positive loving ways because that is my intention -– to support, to care and to show that you are enough.