Most (well intentioned) advice drives me BANANAS

Most (well intentioned) advice drives me BANANAS

Blanket Advice, you know, those well-intentioned “must-do’s”. From health tips like “drink a glass of lemon water each morning” to business strategies like “Doing X marketing strategy is the best way to grow your business”. It’s as if we believe that there’s a...
From Labor Doula to Life Coach Doula

From Labor Doula to Life Coach Doula

Years ago, I embarked on a beautiful journey as a doula, guiding incredible women who wanted to shape their birthing experience with intention. It was about being their champion, their advocate for their vision of motherhood. Witnessing the birth of new life was...
Clearing Space

Clearing Space

This week I did a massive clearing. I got rid of clothes and furniture. I unfollowed about 600 Instagram accounts. I deleted screenshots and images on my phone that I no longer felt were serving me. I closed out an Etsy store I was running that I started from a place...