This week, Julie and I are delving into a subject in our podcast that resonates with many of us as we journey through life: the Midlife Crisis, or as Brene Brown aptly puts it, “The Midlife Unraveling.”

The Many Faces of Midlife Unraveling

When we talk about “midlife,” we’re not confined to a specific age. We’re talking about a phase that can happen anytime after turning 30, when life is signaling that you’re standing at a crossroads and you have a vital decision to make about how you proceed.

It could be that your career is going through a transformation, and it’s become evident that exploring new opportunities is the way forward. Or perhaps your relationships all seem to be on edge, forcing you to take an honest look at why they are no longer thriving. For others, it may show up in a health crisis.

However it shows up, various aspects of your life may be shifting simultaneously, making it seem brutally overwhelming.

Sometimes, it requires confronting past traumas and summoning the courage to face ourselves. A process involving letting go of what no longer serves us to create space for positive change.

A transformation that demands courage.

I currently find myself in one of these transformative phases, one that began about 15 years ago. After battling cancer and going through a divorce, I found myself primarily responsible for caring for my two teenage daughters. I won’t sugarcoat it; it was an uphill battle. To add to the complexity, my youngest daughter faced health challenges that spiked my anxiety and deprived me of sleep.

Desperate for some stability, I turned to a Psychiatric PA who prescribed a potent mix of mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety medication, and Ambien for sleep. Looking back, it was necessary at the time, as I was vulnerable and in need of support.

As the challenges began to subside, and I settled into my new life, I managed to discontinue the anxiety and depression medications. However, I clung to the sleep medication because it provided the restful sleep I so craved. This became a pattern, a way to cope with the challenges life threw at me.

Now, at my current age, I realize that this isn’t a healthy coping mechanism. The idea of relying on this medication for the rest of my life doesn’t sit well with me, both for my brain and my overall well-being.

This isn’t an easy journey. Weaning off a powerful medication is just one aspect of it. The more significant challenge is creating new neural pathways, thoughts, and strategies to retrain myself to sleep naturally. I must untangle my old ways of dealing with sleep and construct new, healthier habits.

I won’t pretend it’s simple, but I am confident in my ability to succeed. I’ve navigated similar transformations in other aspects of my life, and I’m determined to emerge from this journey as a healthier and more resilient version of myself.

To learn more about the Midlife Unraveling and my journey, give the podcast a listen.

Listen To The Podcast 

If this resonates with where you are in life, and you’d like to schedule a time to chat, you can submit an inquiry form and we will book a call to help you figure out your next steps.